понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

daring movie star

Valentine does not get a gauntlet arm. My Dremel is dead. I had thought I could make it anyway, but I was wrong. Sad as that is, the rest of his costume is done. I made the buckles and sewed on the straps while watching a movie just now. He even has a rifle
Cherry is dressed and ready to go. Alas, when taking in the top I made the back uneven. By uneven, I mean the closure isnapos;t centered on her spine. I assumed the shirt was symmetrical to start and just dove in with scissors. That was a bad call. All the same, she looks adorable with her midriff top and little pom-poms. She makes me squeak.
Daeapos;s wings arrived today, too. Iapos;m a little bewildered by her dress. I have fun fabric for it, I just donapos;t know what I want to do with it. I have all day tomorrow to fuss, as sheapos;s my last project. Sometimes itapos;s a bad thing to have enough supplies to do anything.

deh p4400, daring movie star.

воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

christian alcohol rehabilitation ranches

Fall Retreat was amazing The zip-line, barn dance, gorgeous countryside, frisbee, fellowship, worship, God, it was just awesome. I still canapos;t believe Crystal talked me into the zip-line, 2000ft I think my favorite part was the barn dance, having an excuse to wear my boots again and dance with cute guys and my girl. :) Fun stuff (except my stalker person.. Lol). I canapos;t wait until the winter barn dance, yay two-stepping, square-dancing, and line-dancing I learned so much this weekend, about myself and God. I spent a lot of time in Proverbs, which seems to be exactly what I needed. I always want to plan everything, but it says in chapter 16 that our plans are determined by God and so commit your works to the Lord and you will be blessed. I think so often I want to be the master planner, I want this job and this husband and I want to live here and so on, but it isnapos;t my job to decide where I end up, in the end God is going to send me where He wants me to go and provide me with opportunities and relationships. I need to put myself in apos;neutralapos; and let Him lead me, trust in God not myself or others. Everything happens for a reason, TJ joining the NAVY was probably Godapos;s way of teaching me patience and bringing me closer to Him because I donapos;t have TJ to rely on anymore. From now on, Iapos;m not going to hold back, Iapos;m not going to wait for God to apos;open doorsapos;, Iapos;m going to start toward the door and only stop if God shuts it. Iapos;m coming back to the heart of worship- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

celebrity clothes toddler, christian alcohol rehabilitation ranches, christian alcohol rehabilitation, christian alcohol rehab.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

apacolypse lounge

So, I am sitting here watching the news and they are playing yet another stump speech of Obama at Roanoke, VA. Itapos;s like listening to a video tape play. Iapos;ve heard every single one of these lines, from his previous speeches and debates. He never has said anything different. Even his little anecdotal stories, like the pie story, is the same. It kills me. Does he has an original idea? It would seem not? The worst was in the debates. He used the exact same lines, delivered exactly the same way, and people lauded him as being fresh and original. Hmmm...I think not. I wonder why people havenapos;t picked up on this yet? He has learned the art of delivering a well memorized line, as it would seem, but it is still just a memorized line. I find this unattractive.

This election, more than any other, is really irritating me for some reason. People are really going for the jugular on this one, and I am not talking about the politicians. Itapos;s the media, the bloggers, the average person. For example, the Joe the Plumber example. I found the mediaapos;s treatment of this guy deplorable. MSNBC, CNN, and some of the major newspaperapos;s such as the New York Time and the Washington Post were outrageous. Hereapos;s the basic story. Obama went to this guyapos;s neighborhood - he did not seek him out. Obama was knocking on doors in his neighborhood. So, he just asked him a question, which was caught on camera. He is working for a plumbing company. He wants to buy that business eventually but he has studied the tax plans of the two candidates, as an informed voter should, and he surmised that he would be hurt by Obamaapos;s tax plan if he tried to buy this business. The interesting thing to note was this guy is exactly what Obama says he is trying to help - a typical middle class working guy. So, on camera, Obama responds by saying that his tax plan could have helped him five years ago but itapos;s only fair that he get taxed at a higher rate so he can help spread the wealth to the other people who arenapos;t doing as well. Obviously, this caught the attention of a lot of media outlets and then carried over into the presidential debate. Well, then Joe the Plumber came under attack by some of the media and Obamaapos;s camp itself. They claimed he wasnapos;t a real plumber because he wasnapos;t licensed. Umm, he doesnapos;t need to be, just the company he works for. They looked at his tax records. They questioned every detail of his life. I found this attack on him both ugly and unjustified. It is one thing to scrutinize a public official or someone who is running for office. They asked for that kind of scrutiny. It is another to do this to a person that just asked a question. If I ever wanted to know for sure and feel totally comfortable in my vote, this sealed it for me. The media that is questioning Joe the Plumberapos;s background, etc. Is vile. I found that to be an absolutely disgusting display of their resources. I think everyone knows a "Joe the Plumber". Leave him alone is what I say.

clearance paintball guns, apacolypse lounge, apacolypse cartoons, apacolypse, apacks, apacki.

среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

central fissure

So whatapos;s better than morphine?
FREE morphine

Iapos;m pretty excited.

Last time I had morphine, I ended up going downtown with my friend and we did a little before we went out.
I blacked out, and then next morning I woke up feeling fucking fantastic. I was like "Damn, for doing such a small amount so long ago I sure am fucked up"
Then my friend let me know that after we got back from the bar, we ended the snorting ALL THE REST of it. I went to bed immediately after.
After feeling really good for the first 30 min I woke up, I got really sick. I spent the rest of that Saturday puking my fucking guts out. Anytime I put ANYTHING in my stomach (water, food, pepto) my body promptly reject it.
This went on for about 6 hours.
So not only did I waste the rest of my morphine, I was sick aaaallll day.

So anyways, Iapos;m going to be a little smarter this time. Hopefully.

escrow tax, central fissure, central fishing sword, central fishing report texas, central fishing pond stock texas, central fishing oregon report.

понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

alexi laiho marshall amps

Tonight I gently bitched out on one of my bestfriends.

I told him: I donapos;t know.. You got time to drink with other people and I barely see you. To think we even have the same course. Night. Donapos;t even think about it.

Itapos;s true. He has time to drink with my classmates? Cool. Yeah. Heapos;s so busy. Too busy. Wow. Gone. Yeah, losing him. Great. Bitter much? Wtf.

I ask the 8-ball if I still have my bestfriends.

8-ball: Outlook not so good.

I shake the thing again.

8-ball: Reply hazy. Try again.

8-ball: Very doubtful.

Probably giving me what I want to read. Blah. Bitter. As bitter as the fruit I effing ingested.
alexi laiho marshall amps, alexi laiho interviews, alexi laiho interview.

воскресенье, 12 октября 2008 г.

friend sonnet

Net Carn was really fun this year :D 412 was awesome x 100000 and our shirts were really cute The games were pretty eventful; though I might have possibly made the same people play over and over again. O: Something highly embarrassing occured during the last game though,I just couldnapos;t wear the stupid C bib It was all tangled up and Limei had to straighten�it out�for me, I�wasted�some time yelling at it.

Eden: Why is it so weird and tangled�I canapos;t wear this thing Iapos;m sartorially challenged
Limei: *is calm and collected*

Not that netball bibs are the epitome of fashion statements, but seriously something needs to be done Pink shirts + hot pink bibs were the best colour combi of the day

Um ok language as softpower bye

friend sonnet, friend sonnets, friend sorry.