понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

daring movie star

Valentine does not get a gauntlet arm. My Dremel is dead. I had thought I could make it anyway, but I was wrong. Sad as that is, the rest of his costume is done. I made the buckles and sewed on the straps while watching a movie just now. He even has a rifle
Cherry is dressed and ready to go. Alas, when taking in the top I made the back uneven. By uneven, I mean the closure isnapos;t centered on her spine. I assumed the shirt was symmetrical to start and just dove in with scissors. That was a bad call. All the same, she looks adorable with her midriff top and little pom-poms. She makes me squeak.
Daeapos;s wings arrived today, too. Iapos;m a little bewildered by her dress. I have fun fabric for it, I just donapos;t know what I want to do with it. I have all day tomorrow to fuss, as sheapos;s my last project. Sometimes itapos;s a bad thing to have enough supplies to do anything.

deh p4400, daring movie star.

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