понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

alexi laiho marshall amps

Tonight I gently bitched out on one of my bestfriends.

I told him: I donapos;t know.. You got time to drink with other people and I barely see you. To think we even have the same course. Night. Donapos;t even think about it.

Itapos;s true. He has time to drink with my classmates? Cool. Yeah. Heapos;s so busy. Too busy. Wow. Gone. Yeah, losing him. Great. Bitter much? Wtf.

I ask the 8-ball if I still have my bestfriends.

8-ball: Outlook not so good.

I shake the thing again.

8-ball: Reply hazy. Try again.

8-ball: Very doubtful.

Probably giving me what I want to read. Blah. Bitter. As bitter as the fruit I effing ingested.
alexi laiho marshall amps, alexi laiho interviews, alexi laiho interview.

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